3G Catalogue Edition 2
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Manual Slack Adjusters - Trailer
No. of
Part No BB0950 BB0951
Hole 1
Hole 2
Hole 3
Hole 4
Hole 5
Hole 6
Hole 7
Bush Ø
Splines Type
5” 5”
6” 6”
7” 7”
8” 8”
- - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
1/2” 1/2”
10 10 10 10
14mm Pozilock 19mm Hexlock 19mm Hexlock 14mm Pozilock 19mm Hexlock 19mm Hexlock 19mm Hexlock
BB0952 127mm 152mm 178mm 203mm BB0953 127mm 152mm 178mm 203mm
14mm 14mm
BB0954 105mm 130mm 150mm 180mm 215mm
14 & 18mm* 37
BB0955 127mm 152mm 178mm 203mm
14mm 14mm
10 10
BB0960 120mm 135mm 150mm 165mm 180mm 196mm 250mm
* On last hole (Unbushed)
Section 3 Air Brake Equipment
Part numbers and product codes of suppliers other than ‘3G’ are quoted for cross reference purposes only and do not imply or constitute a binding agreement as to the manufacturing origin of the goods supplied.
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