News Update
NEW Additions to the 3G Team!
Tony Johnson Tony has worked in the Automotive Industry for over 20 years and brings technical ability and some say the occasional funny joke! “A great addition to our sales office.”
Sales Office
Gareth Brittle Gareth also brings a wealth of experience to 3G having spent over 15 years in the automotive industry. His grounding with Neoplan / MAN and other established truck factors has added to our already high level of truck parts identification expertise at 3G. “A real parts person!”
Sales Office
Declan Brooks Declan, although young shows all the attributes towards becoming an integral part of our experienced team. “Certainly one for the future.”
Sales Office
Mark Dewson Mark brings his energy, enthusiasm and long established experience to our already excellent team of Area Sales Managers. “Great Energy + Drive.”
Area Sales Manager
Website: www.3gttp.com
Sales Team: 01709 702066 Part numbers and product codes of suppliers other than ‘3G’ are quoted for the cross reference purposes only and do not imply or constitute a binding agreement as to the manufacturing origin of the goods supplied.
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